Showing it off!
BentLovers & Friends
Thank you so much for the positive feedback concerning our Showcase Ride Event! We have decided to postpone the first Showcase Ride Event until March 1, 2014. That is, the Friday night auction will be February 28 and the ride will be March 1. We will showcase Greenspeed for this first event!
For the next year at least, we will showcase other supporting sponsors on the first Saturday of every other month, through November. So, plan your calendar around March 1, May 3, July 5 (or July 12), September 6 and November 1. We will be arranging with our sponsors as to which date they would like.
Meanwhile, we have lots of cool machines that make wonderful Christmas gifts to your family . . . or yourself! Come visit us now for the best selection.
We will be closed December 24-27 for travel to visit family in Texas. We plan to be back in the shop for the rest of the year. If you need to coordinate with Santa, we are happy to help through Monday, December 23.
Many of you may have met the Dude in our YouTube Peer Pressure movie. Check out what he is into now and stay tuned for the sequel, Recumbent Love! He has discovered The Way to Ride while sporting our new Showcase Ride tee shirt!
Thank You!