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Happy Holidays!

BentLovers and Friends

RideSouth wishes all of our customers and friends happiness and health for the upcoming holidays! Lane & I are avoiding travel and gatherings to try and stay free of the virus. We hope you are, too! We continue to work by appointment at the shop and our inventory is shrinking. We have Catrikes and eCatrikes on the floor ready for sale! For those who have already ordered, we expect our shipment of eKits to arrive in late Janurary. There are still models from Greenspeed, Ice, AZUB, HP Velotechnik, Hase and Terratrike looking for a home . . . at bargan prices!

We have some great news for Old Fannin Road cyclists! Today, Rankin County will finish a thorough cleaning of both bike lanes on this road!! The county is sweeping with their sweeper and then picking up debris . . . by hand! They are hauling it off to fill in a landfill somewhere, we imagine! This has not been done since this road was built! Bill Greenleaf and I personally inspected the work and thanked the County official on the job. It is very clean!!

In other news, we are sorry to hear of the passing of John Schlitter’s wife, Jacquie. John supported RideSouth for many years and we know this is difficult for him. We wish him and their family healing and safety during these difficult times.

None of us know the future. We can only expect the best and plan for the worst. We sincerely hope your future is full of hope and goodness in the new year, and years to come!

Happy Holidays!